Business Growth Accelerator
Business Growth Accelerator
173 - Ai is Taking Over The World - What You Need To Know In Order To Be Better Prepared
Did you know that research done by Sequoia Capital (one of the largest VCs in the world) predicts that ALL COMPUTER CODE and ALL BUSINESS CONTENT will be CREATED BY Ai by the YEAR 2030.
That is only 7 years away. anyone who is starting college right now, and learning any skills, is at risk of graduating 4 years from now with NO open jobs in their field. Not because of an economic downturn, but forever...
Ai is tasking a bigger part in every aspect of our lives and our businesses. While until just a few years ago, only giants like Amazon, Google, IBM and Facebook benefited from the amazing advantages Ai brings, Ai driven tools are now accessible to everyone on almost every aspect of running a business.
While that has been a clear trend for a few years, 2022 was a tipping point. First with the introduction or maturity of many tools, but mostly with the introduction of Chat GPT, Dall-e, Stable Difusion, and similar tools, that took the world by storm.
If you have never used any Ai tools, strap in, and get ready for a hell of a ride as this episode will blow your mind. If you have been using these tools, you would still gain a lot from this episode as we are covering many use cases that are possible today using such tools.
Hi, It's Isar the host of the Business Growth Accelerator Podcast
I am passionate about growing businesses and helping CEOs, business leaders, and entrepreneurs become more successful. I am also passionate about relationship building, community creation for businesses, and value creation through content.
I would love it if you connect with me on LinkedIn. Drop me a DM, and LMK you listened to the podcast, what you think and what topics you would like me to cover 🙏
Hello and welcome to the Business Growth Accelerator. This is Isar Meitis, your host, and this is a very special episode. I've been working on the research for this for a while, and today we're going to talk about AI, artificial intelligence, and how it's impacting and how I think it's going to impact, the future of the world and more specifically the future of business. And what's been happening in the past few years is that AI has been getting into more and more aspects of our lives and more and more aspects of our business. And 2022 has been the tipping point where things started exploding, but before we jump into 2022, let's figure out what happened before and talk a little bit about concepts. Most of these episodes is gonna be very practical with use cases that people are using AI that you can use in your business. But some background I think will be helpful, especially to people who has not been reading or following this world. Artificial intelligence Is a part of computer science that allow computers machines to learn in a similar way that humans learn. Meaning instead of writing a piece of code that tells the computer to do something, it actually learns from mistakes or from feedback that it's being given based on action that it's taking. So there's a whole process of training the machine for it to learn, just like you would train kids or adults in order to learn new things. You give it feedback and then it knows what was wrong and what's better, and you keep on doing this again and again and again, and that's how the machine learns. Hence, machine learning is the concepts behind artificial intelligence. When we say artificial intelligence, it's a really broad term and there's many more granular terms of this that has to do with different aspects of what it's actually going to do. Meaning is it's gonna deal with language processing, is it going to deal with image processing, video processing, data analysis, and so on. Each and every one of them is a different aspect of artificial intelligence and machine learning and people today are talking about general ai, which means the capability for a machine to actually be like a human, meaning, be able to do all the things that we do and not be specialized at one thing. And there's still a few years before that will be possible, but even the capabilities that exist today are pretty incredible. And we'll touch on a lot of them in this episode. AI has been used even by you maybe even without knowing about it for a while. If you've been shopping on Amazon, which most of us probably have, and you see recommendations of other stuff you might wanna buy, or if you go to Netflix and you get recommendations of the next video, or if you go on Google and you get results. All of these things are based on artificial intelligence, meaning it's taking a huge amount of data and it's looking at your personal touchpoints and different data it has on you, and it's trying to predict based on that what's gonna be the most relevant and that will attract you to take a particular action. So you've been interacting with AI systems for a very long time. What happened in the past few years is that AI from being kept only for giants like Microsoft and Netflix, more and more companies and startups started releasing AI driven tools that allows companies and individuals to use and leverage AI for different business and personal tasks. Let's take a few examples. copy.ai has existed for a while. It's a platform that allows you to, like the name suggest, write copy. So marketing copy, like website copy, newsletter copy, social media, post copy, et cetera. It allows you to do all these things and it'll write the copy for you based on different parameters you give to it. Another example is RYTR. It is spelled R Y T R and the website is rytr.me and it allows you to write longer kind of copy, like even blog posts and longer piece of content based on parameters you give it. If you want to learn more about these kind of tools, I've done a whole episode dedicated to RYTR and similar platforms. It's episode 126 of this podcast, so just go back and check that one out. Such tools became more and more available that started doing more and more unique and cool things. The next interesting iteration was released by a company called OpenAI, which you're gonna talk about more later on in the show. And OpenAI back in January of 2021, released a tool called Dall-E. Obviously wink, wink to Dali the painter. And what it does, it enables you to put in a text, a descriptive text, and it creates an image for you right there on the spot. So it doesn't find an image on the internet. It literally creates it in real time based on parameters. And you can use whatever parameters you want. And when I say parameters, it sounds very techy, but all you have to do is type what you want to paint. So if you'll say, I want you to paint a house on a moon. It will paint a house on a moon. But you can be a lot more descriptive than that and say, I want you to paint a house on the moon at sunrise in a realistic way. It's gonna generate almost like an image, like picture of a house on a moon. But you can also say, I want the house to be two stories high and to have yellow windows, and I want three cars parked in the garage, and it will do that as well. Or you can go and say, I want that whole thing to be painted in the Renaissance style, and it will give you that kind of style to the painting. So it's really limitless to the type of data you can give it, and the more data you can give it, the more specific it will become. And then gives you options and you can pick one options and keep on changing that until you get to an outcome that you want. These kind of tools started becoming more and more available for video processing, for image processing, for written content creation. And so on. These kind of tools existed for a while and more and more of them started coming out. But something dramatic changed in November of 2022. In November of 2022, OpenAI released two tools. One is Dall-E 2, so it's a more advanced form of the first version of this that is just a image generator based on text, but the thing that really changed everything was ChatGPT. ChatGPT is based on their chat engine that allows you to chat with their bot that they've been training for a very long time. And the reason I'm saying it changed anything is the fact that you can literally give it any task that has to do with organizing content, writing content, interpreting content, creating new content in any written form you can imagine. So this could be a blog post, this could be a legal document. This could be a song. This could be a poem. This could be a summary in bullet points. This could be computer code. Literally any format you ask it to produce something, it will produce it in a very high quality. And in seconds, and at least for now for free. And when I say everything changed with the launch of ChatGPT, I just wanna talk a little bit about adoption. You probably heard the term ChatGPT a million times in the past two months. But if we're talking about a million, let's talk about how quickly it took different platforms to get to a million users. Netflix took about 3 1/2 years to get to a million active users. Spotify took 5 months. Facebook took 10 months. So these are the timeframes of some of the best, most successful adoptions of new platforms in the world that we live in. It took ChatGPT 5 days to get to a million active users, and this has been continuing to grow at the same crazy pace. Now there's been chat platforms before that. So what's the big deal about ChatGPT and why is it taking the world by a storm? The first thing is it's a very simple and easy to use user interface. They're using the same concept that Google used when they launched their search, it's just one line. There's no menus, there's no buttons, there's nothing you can do other than write some instructions in the line and get a response and chat back and forth with the chat bot. So it's extremely easy to use. But the other thing is that it's really extremely powerful and very, very versatile. It will do really almost everything you ask it to do on a very wide range of topics and tasks that you will ask it to perform for me, like I mentioned before. So what can you do with it? First of all, you can write copy. So if you need a new concept for your website, you can ask ChatGPT to write it for you. Write me three different variations of the content I should put on my website if I am trying to attract mechanics to work for my shop. And it will give you three different options of marketing content that you can put on your website. You can use it to write copy for social media posts, you can take whatever topic you wanna write about this week and say, I would like you to write a post about. 1, 2, 3 and 4 for LinkedIn and you will create the content to be adopted in the right length and the right formatting to fit a LinkedIn post. You can go a step beyond that and use reference material as the baseline for the post. So let's say you wrote a blog post and you wanna summarize it to a post on social media. You can copy and paste the content that you've written, the long form content, paste it into ChatGPT and say, I want a summary of this as a post on LinkedIn, and it will do it for you. You can ask for it as a summary in bullet points, and it will do it for you. And if talking about summaries, it can summarize literally anything. If you have a very long document you wanna summarize, you can copy and paste the document into ChatGPT, ask it to summarize for you in whatever length or whatever definition you want. So I want 20 bullet points as a summary of this whole thing, and it will do it for you in a very accurate and concise way. You can give it a url. Let's say you want a summary of a specific blog post. You can go and copy the url if that blog post, drop it into ChatGPT and ask it to summarize it for you, and it will. Now, that sounds a little bit like cheating, but not really because we think about back in the day when we had to read specific, really long, boring books for graduation. Most people did not really read the full books. They read a summary that you could buy somewhere at a bookstore that will actually allow you to read 60 pages instead of 300 pages and still be able to pass the exam. So it's kind of the same concept only for any kind of content you want. The other cool thing about it is the more information you're gonna give it, the more it's gonna use that information in order to make your content more specific. If you use specific keywords, if you use specific ideas, if you mention specific things, it will use those in the outcome of the content that it is generating. So, Creating any kind of written content, whether it's original from scratch, based on ideas and concept, whether it's a summary of something, whether it's with reference to something, becomes an effort of seconds instead of sometimes hours or days. Another thing that he does really well is to write pieces of code, computer code. So if you're a computer programmer or you're learning how to do that, you can say what you want it to create, give it the language. So let's say you want a coding in Java to do something, you will describe that something and you will create the Java script for you to use. In your code in order to do that specific thing. Now can you program a complete platform? Not yet. I'm sure we'll get there, but programming or solving specific problems with code, it knows how to do that extremely well, extremely efficient, extremely fast, and very accurate. Now take it to the day-to-day business world, you can write the company update with that. You can say, these are the things I wanna talk about. Can you write me, the speech? You can use it to write other speeches that you wanna put on stages with specific information that you feed into it, just to break it down into the right format, the right structure, the right wording. Whatever you want help from it to do, it can do for you. You can use it for market research. If you want to know something about your industry or a new industry you want to go into, you can use ChatGPT for that as well. You can go in and say, what are the 10 largest companies in this and that niche? And it will give you the list of the companies and then you can go one by one and say who are the companies that are most known to use that particular product? What is that product most known for? What kind of marketing language has this company used in order to attract the people that it's been attracting and so on and so forth? You can keep on peeling the onion and drilling deeper and deeper to find more and more information that before was a lot harder to get to because you had to run a Google search and then look at 50 different articles and then from that, find the information. But instead, This thing is doing it for you and it's doing it in again, seconds instead of hours of research that you have to do. I'll give you one little warning though. ChatGPT is not connected to the internet. It's an offline platform, and yes, it's been trained based on a lot of internet data and the new variation of it, which is coming out soon. We'll have a lot more data, but it's not really online. As an example, it does not know that Elon Musk has bought Twitter, it does not know there's a war between Russia and the Ukraine. If you're looking for up to date information, you will not get it. So it has some disadvantages and limitations, but on a very big level of doing research. It's an incredible, incredible research tool. And like I said, you can drill deeper, you can get summaries, you can do whatever you want with just typing the right questions. Next thing it does extremely well is customer support. There's more and more platforms being developed on top of AI solutions to do customer service. Why? Because customer service is a logical process. There's something that happened. There is an X amount of potential outcomes. There's the way to navigate them, and AI is very, very good at doing that. What we'll see in the near future is more and more customer service processes being taken over by AI versus actual people, whether it's a live call, chat, whatever the case may be, that will be taking over, it's already happening today, right? So when we call an ivr, which today is really dumb and annoying and we hate it, but in the very near future, it will be just like speaking to a person, but different than today, that person will know literally everything they need to know and will have access to every potential outcome, and will really be able to navigate very quickly to the potential outcome based on the set of guidelines that it has. Same concept obviously applies to sales, so you can take your company's knowledge on how to sell your product or service best. Train an AI model and that use ChatGPT as an engine if you want, behind the scenes. Then when people use chat on your website, they can get very accurate, very sophisticated, very to the point answers to their questions without actually having to deploy salespeople to do these things. You can also use it for HR related stuff in your company, like planning the next Halloween party. If you go into ChatGPT and say, I have a hundred employees and I wanna plan a Halloween party themed for the eighties, what do you suggest we would do? And it will give you a list of everything you should do, what drinks you should prepare, what costumes people should wear, how big of a venue you need to rent, and so on and so forth. It will help you plan the party. The options are almost limitless. Wanna take it up a notch? Let's look at some other use cases that you can use in your business in order to do some more interesting things. Let's assume for a second you have a product or a service and you want to create demo videos of how to use that particular thing or specific aspect of it and so on. The way to do this today, if you want a person involved is to rent a studio or build a studio in your office and have cameras and lighting and spend a lot of time and a lot of money recording people in front of cameras that make mistakes and have to go back and record again, and they get tired and they get confused. And then you have to get all that content and edit it so it's perfect and it looks great, and then you can use it in whatever how-to videos that you want. Well, that is gonna disappear very, very quickly because today there are already tools out there like Synthesia and D-ID and a bunch of others that really enable you to create a very realistic avatar. And when I say very realistic, it looks like people, it talks like people. You can still tell with some of them it's not human. It's still good enough definitely for any demo of the product. And it takes seconds because all you have to do is type the text into it choose an avatar to your liking. It doesn't look like a cartoon. It's an actual person. It looks like a real person. And this person, because it's a synthetic person, can be in any age, any ethnicity you choose, any kind of features that you would like. You really have endless kind of options and it can speak almost any language on the planet. So you copy and paste. Text into there and it will say it perfectly without mumbling, without going, uh, uh, uh, in the middle. So you have to cut and record again without spending studio time, without spending editing time, and you have a perfect video in seconds. Now, let's combine these two things together. Let's say you want to create a presentation about a topic. In video to put it on your website, to put it on social media, to put it wherever you wanna put it. Instead of working in front of a camera, instead of recording all the content, instead of editing all the content, instead of doing the research for the content, you can go to ChatGPT and literally give it the input and saying, I want to create a lecture on these topics with this information in mind. Paste in the information you wanted, and the lecture should be 45 minutes and I need it in English or Spanish or Italian, and you will generate it for you. And then you take that information to one of the platforms that I mentioned before, like Synthesia or D-ID or one of those Paste information in there. Choose your avatar and you have the video ready to go. A whole game changer in the way content is being created. So far we talked about creating written content, and we talked about creating video content. Now let's talk a little bit about images and how, again, these things can combine together. As I mentioned earlier, when ChatGPT was released, Dall-E 2 was released, and as the popularity of these tools skyrocketed, other platforms that are AI image generators skyrocketed with it. The two biggest ones together with Dall-E are midjourney and Stable Diffusion. All of these basically do the same thing as I mentioned before, you give it a description as detailed as you want of what you want created, and you will create an image for you. That's obviously a very cool toy, but it's. Also a very impactful and effective business tool. Why? First of all, because right now most companies are paying a huge amount of money to different stock photos websites in order to get specific photos that they want to use in their marketing on their website, because they have to be licensed for the people who took the pictures. But now you can create whatever image you want in whatever scenario, in whatever lighting, in whatever concept you want on the fly, which means you don't really need stock photo, you don't need to search for stock photo. You can actually create the actual images that you want as needed per the exact scenario that you want to use them for. That's one way to use it. Another way to use it is in documentation that you're trying to create. If you wanna talk about specific people in specific scenarios and you want to use images that describe that, you can do that and create those images right there and then, instead of going and searching through hundreds of photos in order to find the one that you want. Another interesting and cool implementation that people already started doing is people started creating kids books in minutes. And how do they do that? So you go to ChatGPT and you write I wanna write a kid's book about two brothers and a sister, and you can give them your specific names that are learning how to be green and how to recycle and how to make the world a better place and stop global warming. And I want it to be 10 pages long, and it will create the text for you in rhymes according to all the parameters you said. And now for each of those pages, for each section of rhymes about a specific topic, you go to one of those image generators and you describe what the text says, and it will create images for you. And you can say, these are for kids' books, and they will be book friendly kind of drawings. Now all you have to do is open a PDF editor, place a page from the written content in front of it on the other side, place the image that you just created. Save the pdf, upload it to Amazon, and you have a kid's book on a specific topic that took you minutes to generate. Now, this may not be your thing, but it gives you an idea of what use cases you can use this for and how extremely efficient the process becomes. The next aspect of images is obviously graphic design. People use graphic design for multiple different things. From designing websites, to designing logos, To designing brochures and so on and so forth, designing products, and so far the people who did this were graphic designers who got trained and got experienced and spent years doing so. Today almost every person can do these things. To be fair, most of them are not great in graphic design. Based on most of everything that I'm reading right now and researching right now, design is probably the first complete revolution of the world where literally anybody will be able to create incredible designs with a few sentences, and then changing it around until they like them. It will be a much faster, much more efficient, and a way cheaper process than it is today with graphic designers. The predictions are that this will be really good and really accessible this year, meaning still in 2023. So let's do a quick recap. This whole concept that I talked about so far, it's called generative ai. Generative AI allows you to like its name, so just generate new things using ai. This could be video, this could be audio, this could be written content. And Sequoia recently released a research that they've done and their predictions based on that research says that most likely 100% of the content that we'll consume by the year of 2030 will be created by AI versus actual people, roughly at the same time, potentially before that, the research says all computer code will be AI driven and not written by people. As I mentioned, the same research says that by the end of 2023, graphic design capabilities will be strong enough. It still won't replace everything, but it will be capable enough to replace every graphic design need. Now, so far, I talked about stuff that is very, very specific. It's content creation of different kinds, right? So people who are writers, people are technical writers, people are graphic designers and, and so video producers and so on. So you may think, okay, what might be protected from this change? Probably stuff that is very human, high touch, emotional kind of thing, I got another surprise for you. A guy named Dr. Robert Morris, who has a PhD from MIT. He's the founder of Koko. Koko is an an online emotional support platform. So it's a chat platform that enables people, mostly young adults that have emotional issues. To have a chat with somebody who will support them through their difficulties, it's an incredible platform. He ran a test with over 4,000 people who approached his online service with more than 30,000 messages. And the way he ran the research, he had a person, professional human therapist, the people he always uses, but instead of having them respond to the participants, he copied the participant's question or sentence or whatever they wanted into ChatGPT and copied and paste it back the respond to his participants, who, again, were looking for emotional support through chat. The chat messages get scored, and at the end of each chat people say how good they feel about the responses they got and how much it helped them. And the ChatGPT messages scored significantly higher than the human therapists. In addition to that, the respond time dropped by 50% and that's while there was a human in the loop, just to making sure that Chat PGT doesn't send back something that is actually bad or inappropriate or could actually harm the person on the other end. So if you think about running this at scale, without the human in the loop, you can get to extremely fast respond time. That is still extremely helpful that people that are looking for support find more helpful than professional human therapists. It's hard for me to think of a scenario that is requiring more emotional empathy than this particular scenario. So even this is not protected. By the way, once his participants learned that there's a machine in the loop, which they asked them if they would use it, they would say, if it was a machine, we would not use the platform, even though that the vast majority said that the responses they got were actually better than the ones that the human gave them. Again, they did not know what was human and what was Chat PGT producing. But it's just coming to show you the power of this platform. This may sound like the end of the world, right? More or less, every profession we know is gonna go away because the robots are going to replace it. The reality is very different. And first of all, let's go back and look at history and probably the closest thing to this is the industrial revolution. But it's a different scenario than the Industrial Revolution because the Industrial Revolution took years and years to happen and take over the world, and this will take between months and a couple of years to do a lot of things we're doing today. So the speed in which it's happening is way faster than the Industrial Revolution. The other big difference is because so many platforms are developed on top of AI solutions today, while the Industrial Revolution touched on specific professions, this is gonna touch more or less anyone on the planet, regardless of what you're doing today. some professions faster than other, obviously, as I mentioned earlier. But as I mentioned, these platforms have to be trained, meaning there has to be somebody training those platforms, helping them get better and better and better so they can do all these tasks. If you think about it, the way it worked in the past few years, we still use different platforms and computers. And the way it worked is the human did something and they used a computer to assist them in what they were doing. And what's happening right now. At a faster and faster pace is it's gonna flip itself around. The computer will be able to do most of the stuff, and it will need feedback from a human in order to adjust itself to do the job right. Let's talk a little bit about what's going on right now with ChatGPT and where it's going next, and even a little bit about OpenAI, the company that is behind it. Because it's really important for us to understand beyond the technical implications and the social implications and the economical implications, the forces that are behind this thing. So OpenAI, the company that is behind Dall-E and ChatGPT and there's a lot of other companies in this field, but they just really made a huge splash in the very recent months. Open AI is an organization that was founded in San Francisco in 2015 by Sam Altman, Reed Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel. So if you don't know these names, Sam Altman was the president of Y Combinator. Maybe the most known and successful accelerator in the world. Jessica Livingston is from there as well. Elon Musk, I probably don't need to introduce to you. Reid Hoffman is the founder of LinkedIn. Peter Thiel is a huge entrepreneur and all of them are huge investors in the tech world. And they got together and said, this AI thing is happening. It's happening fast. It could do a huge damage in the world unless somebody does it the right way and try to protect us humans from it. And they pledged to together create a nonprofit organization that will develop, what they called a friendly ai. and they jointly invested 1 billion in this initiative. So that was the way it started. It started as a way to create an AI that will serve everybody hopefully while minimizing the risks of this platform. Somewhere along the way that was somewhat lost because now there's a for-profit organization on the side of the nonprofit organization that for-profit organization got a really, really big investment from Microsoft of about a billion dollars to get it to where it is today. And they've already committed to spending what speculations say are additional$10 billion of investment, which is obviously an insane amount of money. So you're asking yourself, why is Microsoft investing in a chat platform? And the reason is that's their way to fight Google. They're planning on integrating ChatGPT into more or less everything, Microsoft. So the three biggest layers of that. One is obviously Bing, which is a search engine that has been getting, its ass kicked by Google because it cannot compete. But now with this thing integrated into it, they could provide a whole different kind of experience in their search engine that may be appealing to some people, which has put Google on a very high alert because Google have a similar platform that they haven't released to the public, because if they do, it's shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to the business model of how you monetize this versus ads when you scroll through a feed of search results. So Google is in a very interesting position right now with how they're gonna respond to what Microsoft is doing. The other two layers of the Microsoft stuff that they're gonna use this for one. is Azure Azure is their cloud-based hosting platform that will be able to become a lot smarter and provide more services in a much faster and better way by leveraging that. And the third one is obviously Microsoft Office. Think about Microsoft Word. Instead of being a word processor, it become a word generator, which is obviously a much more effective and impactful tool to anybody who's using it. And the same thing with Microsoft Excel, because you'll be able to tell it what you're trying to create without really knowing how to write all the equations in the background. And it will build it for you very quickly, very effectively, exactly tailored to your needs. and that's why Microsoft is investing this huge in insane amount of money into ChatGPT ChatGPT is based on the GPT engine that's called GPT-3.5 which is part of the third release of the GPT engine by OpenAI, and they're planning to release GPT-4 in the near future. Everybody's expecting it to still be in Q1, this is recorded sometime in January. So we're talking about the next two to three months. What's the difference? The biggest difference is the amount of data that they've used in order to train the model. The previous model, meaning the GPT that is used today has 175 billion parameters it's trained with, and GPT-4 is going to be trained with a 100 trillion. So more or less, three orders of magnitude, more data has been put into it to make it even better, even more capable, even more agile than ChatGPT is today. And again, that's happening in the next two to three months. If what you heard so far, whether you knew some of it or not, is make your head hurt and is making your head spin. That was the intention of this episode. Really. I'm not trying to give all the answers. I'm trying to just describe the current situation. I'm also saying that I have obviously no clue and I don't think anybody does. What are the social or economical implications? of all of this. What I do know is that the train has already left the station. There is no coming back, and we've passed the point of no return. So what does that mean to you as a person and to the business you're in. It means that you need to be aware that this is happening. You cannot play the ostrich and put your head in the sand because this is happening. And it's happening at a faster pace than anything else in history, and it's accelerating because the capabilities themselves allow to generate the next variation faster. So what can you do about it? Research, use these tools every single day. Find use cases like the ones that I've described, or just look online for other use cases and start playing with these tools. Most of them today are either free or very, very close to free. There's like a fractional small fee that you have to pay to use it at a larger scale. They are APIs so you can integrate it into things in your ecosystem that costs a little bit of money. What will give you an incredible capability. So all I'm suggesting is be aware, stay connected, play with the tools and be ahead of the people who do not do that because this tsunami is coming and you wanna be on probably the best raft there is when it hits where you are versus be completely caught off guard. That's it for today. This is not only bad, like anything else that happened in history that presented new tools and new capabilities to humanity. Humanity adapted and ended up being better than it was before. Once it's learned to use the tools, so this may sound all doom and gloom, it's actually the next evolution of the human race. It's just happening faster than anything we've seen before. And hence why I'm suggesting be involved, be active, learn the tools, you'll come up ahead And if enough people do that, we will make the world a better place than it is right now. Leveraging tools that will make our life easier and more impactful and more effective and until next time, have an amazing week.